Dress your way to 10k.

Dress your way to 10k

Dress your way to 10k-- I don't think women *actually* feel their best in yoga pants.

There are a trillion other alternatives that FEEL like your next level (and are STILL comfortable AF). So start getting dressed for those 10k month, sis.
Start showing up as her.
Start acting like her.

Put on your biggest, baddest, best foot (heel..?;)) forward and go for it.

Do the hard thing.
Do the scary thing.
Do the thing you KNOW you need to do.

P.s. The Ultimate Wardrobe Reset is open for you. It's for the woman who wants to be confident in her outfit choices. This is for the woman who is ready to cleanse her closet. This is for the woman who wants to shop from a place of abundance -- come on in, my dear. Come on in.