Want to feel abundant?

<<You can buy all the designer shit and still feel a lack of abundance.>>

Wanna known why you don’t feel abundant AF?


Look inside your closet.

Do you have a whole bunch of clothes that don’t fit, are old, and not a true representation of who you are?

Do you always rushing to the sale rack to buy things that you only kinda like cuz they kinda work but you’re not really totally obsessed with them?

Do you buy the same things over and over and over again?

It’s the feeling, friends.

It’s the feeling.

You can still buy all the designer shit and still feel a lack of abundance.

But how you do one thing can often be a little clue into how you do many things.

The trick?

The secret?

Buy things YOU F*CKING LOVE.

And tailor things that don’t fit!

And get rid of stuff you hate.

You may have less in your closet.

But my gosh, you’ll feel abundant AF.